The configuration for the app is stored using NSUserDefaults, via the sindresorhus/Defaults package, meaning all the applications preferences are stored in the following location: More detail can be found in the thread for Issue #64.įor more downloads, checkout the releases page for app downloads of any version you want to use, even pre-release builds too. Close Auto Clicker and re-open it and grant it access once again, which should fix the issue. To fix it, click the minus button at the bottom of the list of apps under macOS's Accessibility settings where Auto Clicker is listed to manually remove Auto Clicker from the list of permitted apps.

MacOS gets 'stuck' thinking the app has permissions when it doesn't and so the permission splash screen for the app will never go away. When updating the app, does the permission screen get stuck even though you've given it permission? There can sometimes be an issue with this, I'm not entirely sure why this occurs, as the bundle identifier for the app remains the same and therefor the granted permissions shouldn't either. This is as at the moment I don't have a paid Apple developer account in order to notarize the app. When first using the app, you will need to right click the app and click 'Open', then on the macOS popup window select 'Open' again to trust this version of the app going forward.

for a given amount of presses per interval An auto clicker of mouse buttons and presser of keyboard keys!.Package: sindresorhus/KeyboardShortcuts.